Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Baroque Pears with Leah

Believe it or not, this painting, so far, has been done with only four colors; white, black, cadmium red and yellow ocher.

Monday, March 26, 2012

DRAMA in the Studio!

This slide show covers a period of four days. In the middle of work Leah had to drive me to the emergency room in Philadelphia. Things started to look funny and my eye Dr. here said I was in danger of a detached retina. Yikes! Worst case scenario, surgery, best case the irritating spots in my vision will be gone in several weeks. Wish me luck.
On a more interesting note; My child hood was more or less a cartoon so 20 years ago I collaborated with Michael Price and turned it into a comic book which will be posted on this blog soon one page at a time. Michael H. Price an amazing, larger than life musician, artist, writer. Give him a google.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Skull Magic

This post is called Skull Magic. The painting (basically done) is Titled "Dark Necessity" and is one of a pair. I'm still working out this blog thing. The previous posts; Day 1,2 etc. is misleading because often its several days but only the next post.
Without the encouragement and help of two artist, Jeff Schaller and Dave Oleski this would never have happened. Thanks for dragging me into the 21st century. I don't think they are going to stop until I'm making movies.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Leah Painting Day 5

After all this time, still painting Leah. She's been my muse for twenty five years.
Suzy and BT asked about glaze and scumble.
In this particular case glazes and scumbles will be applied to Leah's face when everything I painted today has dried (several days). They are alike in the sense that they're both going to be pigment suspended in lots of medium (i.e. very transparent) applied very thinly. Consequently, the painting underneath will show through. If the transparent mixture on top is darker than the painting underneath it is a glaze if it is lighter it's a scumble. I often use glazes in the shadows of the face to make them rich and glowing and scumbles in the lighted areas (particularly female faces) to give their skin a pearly and glistening quality.
Wish me luck.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Third New Painting-Day 2

This fish is an under-painting. I've got to let it dry and then apply glazes and scumbles.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Third New Painting - Day 1

From now on I'll be struggling with three paintings at once. The images of the last few days are indeed macabre, but not to worry, things will get more overtly beautiful. As the work nears completion I'll start explaining their meaning. At least that's the plan.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Rabbit Raw - Day 1

This was a VERY long day. I usually work on several paintings at once because oil can take 72 hours or more to dry, and that's good. I like to think about my stuff.
Also, working on several things simultaneously keeps me wiggin' and buggin', and that's good because thinking sometimes gets in the way of feeling.
Mostly, painting today was "Sweet as rat pie," as Molemo said to me many years ago.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 3 of New Painting

For the first time, I am posting a painting as it is created. More like a slide show than a movie at this point. Will it eventually have a sound track? A voice over? Cool special effects? Superb technically quality?...Yes to all of the above ...eventually. Stay tuned. This is actually yesterday's post. Today's will come this afternoon. (hint, it will be two new works.) So, I'll be working on three at once, as per usual.